Mallissa Sealey
As an administrator, waiting and chasing up players to sign player contracts, or medical information and indemnity forms is time consuming.
It would be great if TidyHQ could integrate with Jotforms or something similar so that forms can be created, signed, and accessible to only members that need to see them. For example, an administrator or football manager.
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Hi @Mallissa thanks for this, do you use Jotforms for all of your forms? Or is it a combination?
Mallissa Sealey
Isaak: Hi Isaak,
Thanks for asking, yes we use Jotforms for most forms.
Our club uses Jotforms online and creates printed versions of forms for various items such as:
• Coach applications.
• Registering interest for teams.
• Surveys
• We create fillable PDFs and add a signature box for player contracts.
• We create medical information and indemnity forms.
• We recently created an injury form for our Sports Trainers to easily fill out during a game rather than using paper forms that get lost or damaged.
• Before joining TidyHQ, we used Jotforms event registration forms.
• We have used it to create voting forms for team awards.