Donation Page // New Feature
A donation page to accept donations.
Allow for a custom $$ amount OR Allow for fixed $$ amounts
Ability to add a comment to the Donation
First Name
Last Name
[] Option - Make the donation anonymous - the org still needs personal details but promises to keep the information private)
[] Option - Make the donation on behalf of a company.
Email - Required
Phone - Required
[] By donating with this form, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
Payment form - credit card, direct debit
Nice to haves
Custom background
Donations Campaign description - why would I donate to this?
Add a comment to a donation amount so people know what amount will provide the org to do
Pay with Apple Pay
Donation Goal - so we can see how far we have come and got to go.
Set a minimum donation amount
Log In
Debra Smith
A donations page or link where the amount can be changed would be very useful. At present we have donations as "products" at varying prices in the shop, but it's very clumsy.
The above suggested format looks good.
Debra Smith
From our members - option to add a donation when paying membership fees.