Ability to search emails
There isn't an easy way in the interface to search for a specific email or subject or text within the email.
The best you can do is use the CMD+F browser find/search functionality but this often isn't useful if you have pages of emails or years of history.
Example being with a club who had to find all correspondence to do with a specific member and spent quite a few hours going through everything page by page.
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Kelly Atkinson
Oh yes, please - this is a huge chunk of missing functionality which makes email management really difficult for my club. This is one of the main reasons our officers use a Google Workspace backend instead of maintaining all email in TidyHQ.
Debra Smith
It would be good if there was a link to emails relating to a contact or member showing in the history of activities relating to the profile ie on the contact's profile page. This would be a record of correspondence between the organisation and the contact/member.