Whilst all has been quiet on the Tidy changelog front, a lot has been happening behind the scenes in the last two months in Tidy land, and we've heard from you all - we wanted to give an update as to where everything is at, and what we've been working on.
A large focus on the last few weeks has been improving the platform - there have been a swathe of work behind scenes intent on improving your experience with Tidy, even if not directly visible to most users.
To that end, we thought we'd call out some of the bugs we've recently shipped a fix:
  1. New integrations work and improvements
    - We've been hard at work pushing out improvements to how we make tidy work with other systems, including pilot projects with some big australian sports organisations, with the goal to make it easier long term for us to pull in data from any other tool you're using - and show it along side your details in Tidy.
  2. Xero is in testing
    - We've started rolling out test access to our new Xero integration to a limited number of clubs, and will be actively working on improving that in the coming weeks before rolling it our more widely. If you're interested in trying it out for your club, message us in your intercom chat window and we'll get you access! We'd love to hear from clubs, big and small, about how it fits into their workflow.
  3. Fixes to meetings
    - We've been working on a few long-outstanding fixes to our Meetings experience, namely around making formatting work across entries and more. We want to make Meetings as smooth as possible and as easy for you to track everything that's happening.
  4. API v2
    - For our tech heads out there, we've just started rolling out a testing version of our new V2 API to customers (again, hit us up via Intercom if you'd be interested in testing). This not only brings a lot of tidy up and improvements to our API, it adds new API endpoints to allow better management and control over how you use Tidy, and the ability to customise your own Tidy experience in ways not possible before.
  5. Ongoing reliability and performance work
    - The reliability and performance of Tidy is our utmost priority, and we've been chipping away bit by bit to make Tidy work better for everyone. We've started releasing the first sets of this work, and have some big improvements planned to come in the next year.
  6. Updates to the frontend experience, and bug fixes
    - We've been working on a whole bunch of little bug fixes around the place where there were inconsistencies and issues with the front end experience. We've just rolled out a fix for incorrect tax changes affecting invoice as well as a bug affecting drag and drop / reordering in multiple places.
We'll have more news on bug fixes and more feature work in the coming weeks, but suffice to say - lots of exciting stuff is happening behind the scenes at Tidy at the moment.